Born in Venice in 1928, his father was scottish and his mother italian; he passed his childhood and youth near the lake of Como. In 1946, he attended the Art High School in Brera, Milan for a few months. 1947 to 1948 he attended the Teatro alla Scala in Milan as scenographer apprentice. In 1947 he set his personal exhibition of surrealist collages at the "Biblioteca Vinciana" in Milan. In 1950 he moved to London.
In 1951 he was charged to make a mobile sculpture and a wall photo for the “Industrial Power” exhibition in Glasgow, at the Festival of Britain. 1951 to 1965 he was Art Director at the J.W. Thompson as well as at the Queen magazine, from 1965 to 1968. In 1970 he founded the magazine “Harpers & Queen” of which he was managing director and art director until 1985. Starting from 1985 he has been dedicating to painting and graphic design, as well as to furniture design. Very frequent are the exhibitions dedicated to him. He passed away in 2023.