It must have been the conversations and the thinking, as well as the excursions and the fun, between Cici and Pipo (Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni), and the leadership and educated prompts of someone who had a critical eye for the world, such as Michelino (Provinciali), to make even Aurelio (Zanotta) fall in love with the idea of using a work table sawhorse, and combine it with some typical constructive details of a carpenter’s bench, so to create a perfect work of high cabinetry, which looks as if it has been here since forever. While it is here thanks to them – the ‘fantastic four’, who were immersed in the energy of those years, full of hope and future – and it was created (i.e. perfected) ‘only’ during the twentieth century, but it might as well remain unchanged for the next 20 centuries. In future years, Leonardo and Bramanteas tables and Merlino as a bookstand will talk to us about a constructive beauty, which shows itself proudly, and about functional certainties that communicate in a clear way.