Chair for outdoor. Stainless steel 304 frame painted in matt iron grey or black for outdoor. Seat and backrest made of elastic straps in polyester thread available in yellow, string, anthracite and blue. The Zanotta logo is printed on the back of the lower backrest strap.

An evolving seating concept
“Dan is more than a chair, it is an evolving seating concept.” Patrick Norguet
The chair with or without arms designed by Patrick Norguet and launched in 2020, with its coloured elastic strap structure, is now also available in an outdoors version to confirm its identity as ideal for both the home and contract applica-tions. The folded Stainless steel 304 frame, consisting of simple members without screws which are quick and easy to assemble and take apart, is available painted in matt iron grey or black for outdoor. The seat and back are made of elastic straps stretched directly on the frame. The straps themselves are the outcome of research into automotive technology, and offer high performance in terms of resilience, strength and comfort.