Two-dimensional figures, sinuous images, optical illusions, contrasting combinations and many colors: the illustrated world of Olimpia Zagnoli, an internationally renowned illustrator, looks like a real kaleidoscope.
The unmistakable trait of Olimpia is expressed in drawings, prints, neon, fabrics, sculptures in ceramics, wood and plexiglas and objects of common use collected in an exhibition curated by Melania Gazzotti that celebrates the ten years of career of the illustrator. A personality with an eclectic style, able to express herself with ease with the languages of visual arts and publishing, telling the complexity of her creative universe and her sources of inspiration taken from the history of art, graphics and design. Olimpia wanted to add a pop icon of design among the figures that populate its illustrated world: along the exhibition path, camouflaged in the shapes and bright colors of the immersive environment, some Sacco armchairs by Zanotta are available to visitors.
Until November 28th, 2021 at Palazzo Magnani - Chiostri di San Pietro, Reggio Emilia
photo courtesy Fondazione Palazzo Magnani