SIA provides the most complete showcase in Italy for the hospitality sector, covering everything from interior design to promotional items, hotel services, technology, supplies and accessories, cosmetic products, outdoor furnishings and design.
A path that draws all the trends for the hotel of the future, from the reception desks to the hotel rooms. Trends and innovations are told by experts and new design concepts are presented.
Tecno and Zanotta create innovative solutions for the design of Hospitality spaces and for the creation of environments that respond to new lifestyles made technologically more advanced thanks to the Dina platform of IO.T Solutions - Tecno Spa corporate spin off.
Follow the conference #HospitalityDay:
Giuliano Mosconi & Alessia Galimberti
Palacongressi di Rimini-Convention Bureau Della Riviera di Rimini
Sala del Tempio 1
Timing: h 11.30 - 12.00
visit the fair #SiaBathroom:
9 - 10 - 11 October 2019
Quartiere Fieristico di Rimini
Via Emilia, 155